
January 10, 2008- by Nic

Man, that smell is still there! It's the heater! It smells worse than a couple dozen skunks! Something must be wrong with it.

Well to start out the day we did metaphors and similes.They're really fun and easy. After, we shared our metaphors and similes with our classmates. Soon it was time for yoga. In yoga we do proper exercises that help stretch our body and it helps clear our minds. After, we did math review with multiplying a four digit number by a two digit number. After, we did our math packet for a little bit. Then it was time for recess. I went to the big toy to hang out with my friend Max. Then the bell rang; it was time to go back to class.

When we got back we finished our math packet an started another subject, language arts. We CD read ''The Bridge Dancers'' and started a water color background for an art project we are doing about the story we are reading. Then we went to lunch. I ate lunch I brought from my house and sat with Max in the lunch room. Then I went outside to the big toy to hang out again. Next, it was time to go back to class. We worked on the water color painting. When that was done we read By The Great Horn Spoon. In this chapter Jack went out hunting with his new squirl gun and came across a bear. He backed up and fell right in to a hole where he got trapped. But a man pulled him out. He was a retired highwayman he had Cut Eye Higgins coat! Jack headed back to camp to eat.

When that was done, we did science review on adaptations for the ocean, the Arctic, and the forest. Lastly, we went to P.E. and played hand ball It was really fun. People serve the ball, then the next person in line rushes up and hits the ball, then the next person does that too. Then the bell rang, we went to the class room to get our stuff and go home.


Anonymous said...

Nic, Great attention getter with the heater being broken and smelling! It made things real the way you talked about who you hung out with and gave details about the things you did. It was very mature writing how you described what happened in our chapter book.
Mr. K

Anonymous said...

wow Nic i like your attention getter how you told about the heater smelling like there was a fire,or something burning.

Anonymous said...

I like your picture and your blog you were very pecific on your details!

Anonymous said...

That was soooo wierd how the heater started to burn out like that!!! It made me want to barf just reading about how bad the heater was[though I was there,but still,it made it seem like that day happened all over again]!!! Well enouph about that. I read all your blog unlike other people and I noticed that it was like were really talking.The way I noticed that was that I noticed that you are funny and it was funny!!!

Anonymous said...

I liked how you opened it with the heater smelling!

Anonymous said...

That was good nic thyaqt was the beswt blog.

Anonymous said...

Nic, I like how you typed about the air vent being broken.You are a great blog typer.Nice gob on talking about our chapter book.

Anonymous said...

Ilike how you started off by saying that the heater was smealing and that the heater was not working. It realy brought me in the story when I read the begging. I like how you said alot of detials in your blog.

Anonymous said...

im inpresed of your blog