
August 31, by Room 40

I can’t believe the first week of school is over. It went by so fast! We started the day by taking out our green homework folders. While the homework checkers looked at our homework, we began some review in our math book. Today’s math lesson was about graphs. We learned that we use graphs in many different ways, including how Mr. Kootman keeps track of how many people visit our website. We also learned that a pictograph uses pictures to represent a certain number of things. Right before recess, we received our writing folders. This is also where we will keep track of our grades.

After recess, we took our first spelling test of the year. About nine people got 100%! After that, we did handing off. During handing off, we answered questions to help us remember our story. It was cool to sit on top of our desks and throw a ball of paper too!

Then we went to lunch where we ate nachos or burritos. When lunch was over, we learned about nouns in our CLAS book. Concrete and abstract nouns were the focus for today. Next, we read School Story , where Natalie, the main character, learns how publishers choose which books to print.

Lastly, we continued our Daily Blog and then got to have a few minutes of PAT Time before HOT Time. Isn’t it cool that we have a three day weekend for Labor Day? Some people are upset that there will be no school on Monday, while others are thrilled.

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